Teilen und verdienen
Werden Sie Mitglied bei HBADA und steigern Sie Ihr Einkommen
Verdienen Sie bis zu 40 % Provision 150.000+ Top-Tier- Partner
Jetzt beitreten
Wer sind wir?
As a globally recognized brand specializing in ergonomics-focused furniture, HBADA has consistently embraced the design principle of 'classic beauty' since its establishment. In alignment with the prevailing trend towards ergonomic solutions, HBADA incorporates classic elements -black,white, andgray- in its product design and development. These products are characterized by their modern, minimalist, eco-friendly, and cost-effective attributes, effectively striking a harmonious balance between aesthetics and practicality in the modern lifestyle.
5 % – 10 %
Provisionssatz: 5 % – 10 %
> 200 USD+
Durchschnittlicher Bestellwert (AOV): > 200 USD
Tag Cookie Dauer: 30

Händler-ID: 155497

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1. Was ist ein Partnerprogramm und wie funktioniert es?
An affiliate network marketing program offers a third-party platform that allows affiliate marketers (also known as partners or publishers) to earn commissions by boosting a merchant's traffic or sales. In our program, we exclusively support CPA partner relationships. We provide banners, links, coupon codes, and other creative materials to our affiliates. You can then share them via tracking links on your website or social media. If customers make purchases in our store through your link, we will remit a commission to you.
2. Ist die Teilnahme am HBADA-Partnerprogramm kostenlos?
Ja, für die Partnerprogramme ShareASale und Uppromote fallen keine Registrierungsgebühren an.
3. Wie hoch ist die Provision?
Wir bieten eine Provisionsrate von 5 % bis 10 %. Außergewöhnliche Mitglieder haben Anspruch auf höhere Provisionsbeträge.
4. Wann können wir mit Provisionen rechnen?
For Uppromote affiliates: Uppromote will disburse payments on a monthly basis. All checks will be sent to the billing contact provided in the affiliate application form. Please ensure that your billing information is accurate for successful payments.
5. Gibt es einen Rabatt, wenn ich über meinen Affiliate-Link einkaufe?
Yes, your affiliate link will include a discount, and we periodically host seasonal promotional events. This is the ideal time to inform your audience that they can support you by making purchases through your link. Uppromote affiliates also have the option of custom coupon codes for promotional purposes.
Kontaktiere uns
For any additional questions or suggestions regarding the HBADA Alliance Program,
please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email. We are constantly prepared to improve our services for our partners and customers.
ShareASale: service@heibaidiao.com