Silla de oficina ergonómica HBADA E3 Pro (con reposapiés)

Precio de oferta€509,99 Precio normal€899,99
Ahorra €390,00

Color: Gris
Envíos, Devoluciones y Garantía
  • Envío gratuito.
  • Devoluciones en 30 días por problemas no relacionados con el cliente.
  • Garantía de 3 años (solo se reemplazan las piezas, no se reparan).

Información del Producto

Especificaciones detalladas del producto, dimensiones y otra información



Peso Máximo Recomendado

330 Libras

Altura Recomendada



Acero Aleado

Dimensiones del Producto

27.5"D x 27.5"W x 40"H

Peso del Artículo

58.6 Libras

Estilo del Respaldo

Respaldo Sólido

Componentes Incluidos


Garantía de 3 años sin complicaciones

Garantía de devolución de dinero de 30 días

Envío rápido y gratuito

Soporte al cliente de por vida

Sistema de soporte en forma de T

Diseñada originalmente por HBADA, esta silla aborda el malestar causado por los tres tipos de tensión derivados de estar sentado durante períodos prolongados, proporcionando soporte para el cuello, la cintura y los hombros.

Soporte lumbar elástico de tres zonas

Disfruta de comodidad durante todo el día con un soporte lumbar envolvente ajustable en 8 direcciones.

  • Las alas flotantes giran 40° internamente/externamente.
  • Soporte lumbar dinámico de 14°.
  • Ajuste frontal/trasero de 1".
  • Ajuste arriba/abajo de 1,6".

Reposacabezas ajustable 4D biaxial

Proporciona un soporte efectivo para el cuello, adaptable a diferentes alturas y posturas al sentarse. Ya sea que te inclines hacia adelante, te sientes erguido o te recuestes, se mantiene cerca de tu cuello, aliviando la presión sobre tu columna cervical durante largos períodos de sentado.

  • Rotación del marco del reposacabezas: 70°
  • Inclinación y rotación del reposacabezas: 70°
  • Ajuste arriba/abajo: 1,8"
  • Ajuste hacia adelante/atrás: 2,2"

Cojín de alta elasticidad

No hay adormecimiento en las piernas durante períodos prolongados de sentado.

  • La malla transpirable al 16,5% garantiza una comodidad superior y un soporte duradero.
  • Hecha con una combinación de nailon y hilo, ofrece un soporte mejorado con cobertura total de malla para una comodidad prolongada.

Reposabrazos mecánicos 6D

Muévete con libertad gracias a los reposabrazos mecánicos 6D, diseñados para proporcionar un soporte óptimo para los brazos y una relajación para los hombros.

  • Ajuste de altura: 3"
  • Adelante/atrás: 1,2"
  • Izquierda/derecha: 1,2"
  • Rotación: 70° en tres posiciones
  • Función de abatimiento: 40° con 20° por ajuste
  • Ajuste de inclinación: 6°

Chasis automático con sensor de gravedad

Equipada con tecnología avanzada de detección de gravedad, la silla de oficina con chasis de detección de gravedad se adapta de forma intuitiva a los cambios en el peso y la postura del usuario.

Cojín ajustable de 1,97”

Se adapta a diversas longitudes de piernas y alturas con una profundidad de asiento ajustable, proporcionando un soporte preciso para usuarios de diferentes estaturas.

Reclinado cómodo de 140°

Simplemente inclínate hacia atrás y relájate. La función de reclinado de 140 grados ofrece una comodidad inigualable, facilitando el descanso y la relajación.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 4007 reviews
Cant return the chair since over a month

Im am so done with the customer service. I am typing since over a month with them just to send the chair back. I just wanted to try it and now I am regretting it. Finally I managed them to pick it up and no one came on this day. Sometimes the replys are not understandable. It is over a month now!! I have no patience anymore, really. Bad customer service.

I have no patience anymore really.

I would not recommend this chair for someone just to try it out, because sending it back is a pain.

Konstantin N
There is something to improve

The HBADA E3 Pro Ergonomic Office Chair (with Footrest) is very disappointing. The headrest is extremely unstable and doesn’t provide proper support, making it very uncomfortable for extended use. After just a month of using this chair. The headrest latches have worn out to zero and now the headrest is more annoying, since it no longer holds in the chosen position. Additionally, the armrests are poorly adjustable, and the backrest is also very uncomfortable, because it does not follow the silhouette of the spine when you sit upright. The lumbar support, when raised to the maximum, rests on my butt rather than on my lower back (my height is 190cm). But lying on this chair is comfortable.
For such price, I expected much better quality. Unfortunately I cannot recommend this chair, at least for now.

Mohammad Sharifi
Disappointing and Poor Quality

The HBADA E3 Pro Ergonomic Office Chair is very disappointing. The headrest is extremely unstable and doesn’t provide proper support, making it very uncomfortable for extended use. Additionally, the armrests are poorly adjustable, and the backrest is also very uncomfortable. It constantly needs to be adjusted because it’s not stable at all. For the price, I expected much better quality. I cannot recommend this chair.

Bob Melchior Gornik
Great share with some point to improved

The share was delivered in time. The explanation for assembly is well described. What I think could be improved is the way the footrest is guided. This should click into place. The armrests are also a little too wobbly and, for my taste, too high in the basic setting. The price without the discount is not justified in my opinion either.

15 dias y la silla aun no ha llegado...

15 dias y la silla aun no ha llegado... es alucinante, pagan a miles de influencers para promocionar su silla pero no son capaces de distribuirlas bien, lo peor es que se rien en tu cara diciendote que quedan 1 o 3 dias y sigue sin llegar la silla, estoy en reclamaciones con consumo para que me devuelvan el dinero

Beatriz Oni
Honest review here!

I have been eyeing this chair for a couple of months now. Reading reviews on Reddit, some are negative. I was hesitant to order this at first, but heck, I deserve a new proper ergonomic chair. I also got fed up of office chairs that pushes your head forward like sitting in a plane and that gives me neck pain and cause me not to have a good posture. I have a back problem and this is because I ignored the fact that work from home people needs a good damn chair. I am working remotely and from home over 10 years. This price for me is pretty high considering reading reviews mentioned that this is middle price, meaning not cheap and not expensive.

- Shipment is fast
- The chair can be easily assembled as the instructions are very good and precise. Screws are labeled as well.
- I am 5’2 and I can assemble it alone.
- Heavy parts, meaning they are not cheap. Metals are heavy, parts are heavy. So I know this will last for a long time.
- YouTube tutorials are helpful.
- You can adjust every inch of the chair, lumbar, sit (forward and backwards), head rest, foot rest, height, and arm rest.
- Best quality is the head rest, you can push it backwards. This is the reason why I bought this chair. Most of ergonomic chairs, you can’t do that.
- It’s like a spaceship for me. I am 5’2 in height, so this chair is pretty big for me, but I love it. Gives more comfort. I can pull up my legs crossed.

- My skin scratched from the behind of my knee because the material is a bit rough. If I am wearing shorts, this happens. But if I wear pants, it’s fine. So I needed to put a soft cloth all the time.
- Lumbar support does not lock. So you can push it forward and backwards, however when I sit on it, it goes back again. It would be nice if I can push it forward and lock it. So when I sit on it, it will stay as it is.

Overall, I loved the chair. Trying not to sleep on it because it’s comfortable. My suggestion is to use a soft cushion on the sit. Maybe the next version of e3 can be done. I just hope this chair will last me a couple of years. I believe if you take good care of the chair, it will last you at least 7-8 years. Possible 10 years. Also a tip, if you want to buy this chair, you must have a standing desk that you can adjust the height. As it seems the arm rest is a bit high. I have a standing desk thankfully, so the armrest goes under the desk and I don’t have a problem typing. Short people problems :)

Thank you Hbada! Till next time!

Aleksandrs Motcenko
E3 Pro Ergonomic

I have been using the chair for two weeks and I must admit that it is an amazing experience. The longest, I sat for 5 hours a day without a pause and then realized that I did not like this area, it is so convenient. I definitely advise you to buy.

Públio Martins Romano Montebello Carreiro
I didn't like at all

The seat fabric is uncomfortable when in contact with the skin (if you are wearing shorts). The lumbar support does not allow your back to touch the chair. Lastly, and most importantly, the armrests, in the lowest position, are too high, not allowing a comfortable position when typing. I am 1.86m tall and weigh 95kg.

Thank you for your feedback. Our chair uses Air Micro-Perforated Breathable Mesh, which is designed for excellent breathability and comfort, helping to keep the skin dry. Generally, it is skin-friendly, but if you experience discomfort, it could be due to individual skin sensitivity.

If the lumbar support isn’t allowing your back to fully touch the chair, in addition to adjusting the lumbar support, you can also adjust the seat depth for better alignment. Similarly, if the armrests are too high even in the lowest position, adjusting the seat height might help you achieve a more comfortable typing posture.

Our chair offers multiple adjustment options, so we encourage you to try different settings to improve your experience. We hope these suggestions help, and please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Piotr Szebesta
Wygoda i solidność z drobnymi technicznymi uwagami – HBADA E3 Ergonomic Chair z podnóżkiem

Zakupiłem fotel HBADA E3 Ergonomic Chair with footrest i jestem bardzo zadowolony z tego wyboru. Już na wstępie muszę pochwalić błyskawiczną dostawę – zamówienie dotarło do mnie w ciągu zaledwie 3 dni roboczych, co było miłym zaskoczeniem.

Co do samego fotela, jest on naprawdę wygodny, nawet przy moim wzroście 197 cm. Siedzisko i podnóżek są dobrze przemyślane, a cała konstrukcja sprawia wrażenie solidnej i stabilnej, co jest szczególnie ważne przy mojej wadze 105 kg. Warto też dodać, że fotel jest przystosowany do osób ważących nawet do 150 kg, co daje mi dodatkowe poczucie bezpieczeństwa.

Jeśli chodzi o kwestie techniczne, to jedynym elementem, który mógłby zostać ulepszony, jest regulacja lędźwiowego podparcia. Podparcie mogłoby być nieco wyżej, aby lepiej dopasować się do mojego kręgosłupa. Ponadto, na początku miałem trochę trudności z precyzyjnym ustawieniem podparcia w określonej pozycji – mechanizm mógłby być bardziej intuicyjny. Z drugiej strony, zagłówek mogę dostosować do swoich potrzeb, co znacznie poprawia komfort użytkowania.

Gdybym wiedział, jak wygodny będzie ten fotel, zamówiłbym go dużo wcześniej. Bardzo dziękuję zespołowi Hbada za ten produkt – z przyjemnością kupiłbym go ponownie i mam nadzieję, że będzie mi służył przez długi czas.

Ekaterina Karjalainen
Lumbar support is the best!

The chair is much better than any other non-ergonomic chairs. Assembling took an hour I think (including unpacking). It is very comfy in the max reclining position. But you need to adjust headrest and lumbar support differently compared to sitting position. I like the diverse adjustability. The lumbar support is the best feature! The chair fits even short people like me (156cm). Armrests are too high and a bit too far from back though in a default position, would be nice if they could be lowered and brought back a bit. Armrests lift up when reclining, so it’s impossible to recline if you are too close to the work desk. Of course maybe you can detach armrests at all.. The quality of nylon and yarn is not pleasant to touch. It’s a bit rough. Now in summer it’s not pleasant to sit on a cushion with open skin. The material in foot rest and lumbar support is really nice and smooth to touch. I give 4 stars because overall it’s a good quality chair for such price.